
Debian Lab Setup for Cyber-Security Enthusiast

This article will cover the maximum destro we need to use and are very familiar with. Parrot OS, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian are the most popular used operating system under Debian destro.

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Debian Lab Setup for Cyber-Security Enthusiast

Summary: Debian is the most popular operating system. Most of the resources, repositories, software and tools are available for Debian. As a CyberSecurity Enthusiast, I guess you are already familiar with the distros based on Debian. This article will cover the maximum destro we need to use and are very familiar with. Parrot OS, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian are the most popular used operating system under Debian destro. Let’s see what we can learn from this article.

Table of content:

  • Top 5 Debian-Based Operating System
  • How to install a debian-based operating system?
  • Things to do after installing a debian-based operating system.
  • How to find out the faster repo on Linux?
  • How to change the linux mirror to a closest region
  • How to make linux faster?
  • How to install popular software center on debian
  • What are the most popular softwares and repo’s for debian?
  • How to make a killer look on your linux destro by changing linux theme
  • How to make linux useful to work?
  • How to secure the firewall of the Linux Destro?
  • How to clean junks and make space available on Linux?
  • How to consume ram and processor on Linux?
  • How to write bash or shell script on Linux?
  • How to configure network on Linux?
  • How to fix any error or bugs on Linux?
  • How to change mac on Linux?
  • Most secure VPN for Linux
  • How to secure your user and group policy?
  • Install TOP 10 Cybersecurity tools in Linux.
  • How to maintain the Linux System?

Top 5 Debian-Based Operating System

1. MX Linux: Most installed operating system from last two+ years. DestroWatch makes a list every seven days of the most popular operating system. MX Linux is a top-rated operating system from them. The antiX and previous MEPIS Linux communities collaborated to create MX Linux, a desktop-focused Linux distribution based on Debian’s “Stable” branch. It is a mid-weight operating system with Xfce as the default desktop (alternative KDE Plasma and Fluxbox editions are also available). It aims to combine an elegant and practical desktop with easy configuration and excellent stability, reliable performance, and a medium-sized footprint.

2. Linux Mint: Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution that aims to offer a traditional desktop environment with lots of helpful custom tools and optional out-of-the-box multimedia capabilities. Additionally, it has a personalised desktop and menus, several special configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Software repositories from Ubuntu work with Linux Mint.

3. Ubuntu: Ubuntu is a full-featured desktop Linux operating system that is open source and has professional and community support. The Ubuntu community was founded on the principles outlined in the Ubuntu Manifesto that software should be freely accessible. The users should be able to use software tools in their native language, and regardless of any physical or mental limitations, users should have the freedom to customise and alter their software as they see fit. An old African word meaning “humanity to others” is “ubuntu.” The Ubuntu distribution introduces the Ubuntu philosophy to the software industry.

4. Kali: A Debian-based distribution containing a selection of security and forensics tools is Kali Linux (formerly BackTrack). It offers four well-liked desktop environments, compatibility with the ARM architecture, frequent security updates, and smooth version upgrades.

5. Parrot: Parrot (formerly Parrot Security OS) is a Debian-based, security-focused distribution, including a selection of tools for hacking, privacy, anonymity, and cryptography, as well as tools for penetration testing, computer forensics, and reverse engineering. The default desktop environment for the Frozenbox-created product is MATE.

To be continue…

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