Case Studies

Dive into my diverse range of projects, showcasing my expertise in software development, design, and dedication to delivering exceptional results.

Ransomware Recovery Photo

Ransomware Attack Recovery and Prevention

I helped Ransomware Attack Recovery and Prevention develop a new Security and website experience, as well as an engaging product design for their bi-annual journal publication.

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Zero-Day Exploit Response thumbnail

Zero-Day Exploit Response

I collaborated with Digital Plex Global to respond to a zero-day exploit, swiftly mitigating the threat and enhancing their cybersecurity defenses. Our proactive approach and thorough response protocols ensured minimal impact on their operations.

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Mobile Device Security Assessment 1

Mobile Device Security Assessment

I collaborated with Oracle SE to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their mobile device security, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats. Our thorough evaluation and tailored recommendations strengthened their security posture and safeguarded sensitive data.

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Global Sports Business

Cybersecurity Compliance Audit

I collaborated with Global Sports Business to conduct a thorough cybersecurity compliance audit, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations. Our comprehensive assessment identified areas for improvement, enhancing data security and risk management practices.

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