Cybersecurity Compliance Audit - Global Sports Business enhances cybersecurity compliance with a thorough audit, improving data security and risk management practices.

Global Sports Business 2
Global Sports Business, a prominent player in the sports industry, recognized the critical importance of maintaining robust cybersecurity practices to safeguard sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Concerned about the evolving threat landscape and regulatory requirements, they sought assistance in conducting a comprehensive cybersecurity compliance audit.
Company Size
200 - 300
Charlotte, North Carolina
Project Duration
2 months (Aug 2021 - Oct 2021)
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I collaborated with Global Sports Business to conduct a thorough cybersecurity compliance audit, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations. Our comprehensive assessment identified areas for improvement, enhancing data security and risk management practices.

Global Sports Business, a prominent player in the sports industry, recognized the critical importance of maintaining robust cybersecurity practices to safeguard sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Concerned about the evolving threat landscape and regulatory requirements, they sought assistance in conducting a comprehensive cybersecurity compliance audit.


  1. Assessment of Current Practices: Evaluate existing cybersecurity policies, procedures, and controls to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
  2. Compliance Verification: Ensure adherence to relevant industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, as applicable to the sports industry.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Provide actionable recommendations to mitigate identified risks and enhance the overall security posture of Global Sports Business.


  1. Pre-Audit Preparation:

    • A kickoff meeting was held with key stakeholders from Global Sports Business to discuss project objectives, scope, and timelines.
    • Necessary documentation, including cybersecurity policies, procedures, and compliance documentation, was collected for review.
  2. Comprehensive Assessment:

    • A team of cybersecurity experts conducted a thorough assessment of Global Sports Business’s cybersecurity practices, focusing on areas such as network security, access controls, data protection, and incident response.
    • Technical tools and manual techniques were utilized to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the existing infrastructure.
  3. Compliance Verification:

    • Compliance checks were performed to ensure alignment with industry-specific regulations and standards relevant to the sports industry.
    • Any deviations from regulatory requirements were identified and documented for remediation.
  4. Risk Mitigation Recommendations:

    • Based on the findings of the assessment, actionable recommendations were provided to address identified risks and enhance cybersecurity controls.
    • Recommendations encompassed areas such as employee training, network segmentation, encryption, and incident response planning.


  • The cybersecurity compliance audit revealed areas for improvement in Global Sports Business’s cybersecurity practices, including outdated software, weak access controls, and inadequate incident response procedures.
  • Actionable recommendations provided by the audit team enabled Global Sports Business to prioritize and address cybersecurity risks effectively.
  • By implementing the recommended measures, Global Sports Business enhanced its cybersecurity posture, mitigated potential risks, and ensured compliance with industry regulations.
  • The audit process instilled confidence in stakeholders and customers regarding Global Sports Business’s commitment to cybersecurity and data protection.

This case study showcases the value of conducting regular cybersecurity compliance audits to identify and mitigate risks, maintain regulatory compliance, and enhance overall security posture.

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Hear it straight from Global Sports Business

"I am immensely grateful for the exceptional work done in conducting our cybersecurity compliance audit. The thorough assessment and actionable recommendations provided by the team have significantly strengthened our security posture and ensured compliance with industry standards. Thank you for your professionalism and expertise."

Joe Mackie

Joe Mackie

Director at Global Sports Business

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