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Server Management

Building a Pi-hole with Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Home Network Security

Elevate your home network security with a comprehensive guide to building a Pi-hole using Raspberry Pi. Learn step-by-step instructions for setting up this DNS-based ad blocker and network-wide ad filter, enhancing your online privacy and security. Safeguard your devices from unwanted ads, tracking, and malware, all while optimizing network performance with this powerful DIY solution.

4 min read
Server Management

Guide to Setting up a Samba Server on Linux for Seamless File Sharing

The article provides a comprehensive guide on setting up a Samba server on Linux, facilitating seamless file sharing across networks. It outlines step-by-step instructions for configuring Samba, enabling users to share files and resources effortlessly between Linux and Windows systems. With this setup, organizations can enhance collaboration and streamline data exchange within their network infrastructure.

6 min read

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