I'm a Cybersecurity Specialist

Committed to protecting businesses and individuals from cyber threats, I provide expertise in diverse cybercrime cases, offering comprehensive device and network analysis to mitigate risks. My experience spans roles as a Linux Administrator and Research and Development Engineer, supporting cybersecurity firms across the World. Presently, I specialize in delivering corporate and business-level cybersecurity solutions, with CodeZain and MakeMyPrivacy Limited.

3 Years of Field Work Experience
5 Years of Lab Work Experience

I'm Your Virtual Cybersecurity Investigator

Explore Complete Cybersecurity Solutions: Where Vigilance, Agility, and Proactive Defense Ensure Maximum Protection

  • Vigilance

    Stay one step ahead of cyber threats with real-time monitoring and threat detection.

  • Agility

    Adapt swiftly to evolving cybersecurity landscapes with flexible and dynamic defense strategies.

  • Proactive Defense:

    Take preemptive action against potential threats, fortifying your digital assets before breaches occur.

Years of Experience
Projects Completed
The tools I use on my day-to-day

Explore Real-world Cybersecurity Success Stories

In my pursuit to fortify digital landscapes, I endeavor to craft impactful cybersecurity solutions that not only mitigate risks but also enhance the safety and well-being of individuals and businesses. My work embodies this commitment to safeguarding digital ecosystems.


Ransomware Attack Recovery and Prevention

I helped Ransomware Attack Recovery and Prevention develop a new Security and website experience, as well as an engaging product design for their bi-annual journal publication.

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Ransomware Recovery Photo

Zero-Day Exploit Response

I collaborated with Digital Plex Global to respond to a zero-day exploit, swiftly mitigating the threat and enhancing their cybersecurity defenses. Our proactive approach and thorough response protocols ensured minimal impact on their operations.

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Zero-Day Exploit Response thumbnail

Mobile Device Security Assessment

I collaborated with Oracle SE to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their mobile device security, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats. Our thorough evaluation and tailored recommendations strengthened their security posture and safeguarded sensitive data.

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Mobile Device Security Assessment 1

Cybersecurity Compliance Audit

I collaborated with Global Sports Business to conduct a thorough cybersecurity compliance audit, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations. Our comprehensive assessment identified areas for improvement, enhancing data security and risk management practices.

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Global Sports Business

Here’s what past clients are saying about me

Discover the satisfaction of my previous clients in their own words. See why they trust my services.

“Highly skilled and professional”

Working with Rokibul was a game-changer for our company. His cybersecurity solutions gave us peace of mind knowing that our sensitive data is protected round the clock. His attention to detail and dedication to client satisfaction truly set him apart.

Clear Cooke

Airhostage at

Clear Cooke

“I highly recommend him”

Rokibul's comprehensive cybersecurity services have been instrumental in elevating our defenses to a whole new level. His expertise in identifying and mitigating cyber threats has been invaluable for our firm. Highly recommended!

Sung-min Lee

Founder of North Agency

Sung-min Lee

“I’m so lucky I found Roki!”

Rokibul's team demonstrated an exceptional understanding of our cybersecurity needs. They went above and beyond to implement robust security measures, ensuring our data and online assets are well-protected. Their professionalism and attention to detail are commendable.

Amelia Wilson

CEO of Wakatech

Amelia Wilson

“I’m really impressed with the quality of his work”

We entrusted Rokibul with our cybersecurity requirements, and he delivered with flying colors. His prompt response to security incidents and proactive approach to threat detection have provided us with the peace of mind to focus on our business growth. Thank you for your outstanding service!

Harry Clark

Developer at Bad Inc.

Harry Clark

“Seriously awesome!”

Rokibul's cybersecurity solutions have significantly improved the security posture of our company. His tailored approach and attention to detail have ensured that our sensitive data remains protected against evolving cyber threats. We're impressed by the level of expertise and dedication.

Sakura Yamamoto

CEO of Eastern Digital

Sakura Yamamoto

“Highly skilled and professional”

Rokibul's cybersecurity expertise has been pivotal in safeguarding our company's digital assets. His comprehensive approach to threat management and proactive stance against cyber attacks have made a significant difference in enhancing our cybersecurity posture. We're extremely satisfied with the results.

Jackson Williams

Designer at Mailgorilla

Jackson Williams

“I highly recommend him”

We partnered with Rokibul for our cybersecurity needs, and it was one of the best decisions we made. His in-depth knowledge and strategic approach have helped us identify vulnerabilities and implement robust security measures. We're thoroughly impressed by his professionalism and expertise.

Akira Tanaka

Founder of North Agency

Akira Tanaka

“I’m so lucky I found Rokibul!”

Rokibul's cybersecurity solutions have been instrumental in fortifying our company's defenses against cyber threats. His proactive stance and expertise in implementing cutting-edge security measures have instilled confidence in our team. We highly appreciate his dedication to ensuring our digital assets remain secure.

Sung-min Lee

CEO of Wakatech

Sung-min Lee

“I’m really impressed with the quality of his work”

Rokibul's cybersecurity solutions have provided us with the peace of mind to focus on growing our business. His thorough assessments and tailored security strategies have effectively mitigated risks and protected our online assets. We're grateful for his expertise and commitment to safeguarding our business.

Isabella Walker

Developer at Bad Inc.

Isabella Walker

“Seriously awesome!”

Rokibul's cybersecurity services have been indispensable for our company. His proactive approach to threat detection and mitigation has helped us stay ahead of potential cyber attacks. His dedication to ensuring our digital safety is commendable, and we highly recommend his services to any business seeking robust cybersecurity solutions.

Thomas Edwards

Founder, Chan's Creations

Thomas Edwards

These are some companies I have worked with

Security Scorecard

Thoughts Explore cybersecurity tips for personal and business protection.

Cybersecurity Trends

AI in Cybersecurity: Revolutionizing Threat Detection and Response

Artificial Intelligence is transforming cybersecurity by enhancing threat detection, automating responses, and reducing false positives. This article explores AI's impact on cybersecurity, highlighting its benefits, real-world applications, and future trends. As cyber threats evolve, integrating AI into security strategies becomes essential for staying ahead of adversaries.

4 min read
Server Management

Building a Pi-hole with Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Home Network Security

Elevate your home network security with a comprehensive guide to building a Pi-hole using Raspberry Pi. Learn step-by-step instructions for setting up this DNS-based ad blocker and network-wide ad filter, enhancing your online privacy and security. Safeguard your devices from unwanted ads, tracking, and malware, all while optimizing network performance with this powerful DIY solution.

4 min read
Server Management

Guide to Setting up a Samba Server on Linux for Seamless File Sharing

The article provides a comprehensive guide on setting up a Samba server on Linux, facilitating seamless file sharing across networks. It outlines step-by-step instructions for configuring Samba, enabling users to share files and resources effortlessly between Linux and Windows systems. With this setup, organizations can enhance collaboration and streamline data exchange within their network infrastructure.

6 min read

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